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Know when to compromise in relationships!

Enduring relationships without mutual compromises are unthinkable. Relationship means give and take – a teamwork.  Compromise is essential to keep a relationship alive and kicking but many of us do not know how to compromise. In marriages, friendship or any other bond compromise is a compulsory element. Decisions taken must take into account the needs, wants and happiness of all concerned. That means being willing to compromise.

You must know where and when to compromise because we value the relationship and want perfect harmony. How to compromise is another issue? But first of all, you must sort out if the relationship has a future. If it is just a fling, do not think in terms of any compromises because mutual physical attraction will fade once the desire is satiated. In the early stages of a passionate relationship, when you’re seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, the world is a wonderful place with perfection all round. It is a feeling incomparable to any other, and naturally, you want that to last forever, or at least for as long as possible.


Compromise is great in small doses. These compromises do not threaten to our core needs, wants, and deepest desires. It is when we start compromising our fundamental values of what we are our beliefs essential elements of who we are that the cracks in the relationship start to show. And we realize that the love or consideration is one sided. My advice here is trying not to become a doormat because you will lose your self-esteem eventually.

Never forget you values and your self-respect. It is the biggest reason why people split. Your values are your assets that you got from your upbringing and experiences. Relationship implies a bond which is beneficial to both parties, not control. It’s a bond of emotional and physical intimacy. If one partner values physical intimacy more while the other needs emotional intimacy—then it may be more difficult for the relationship to meet both partners’ needs without creating stresses, breeding resentment or pain.  Relationships are not the end of freedom rather it is the beginning of it. Trust your partner. Do not change yourself for anyone or force changes.

Next, decide to what extent you can compromise to give depth and meaning to the relationship. A relationship is successful when two people chose to walk together as a team. Compromise is a two-way street. Keep your lines of communication open by letting your partner understand your expectations for improved understanding.  Heartbreaks, depressions are the result of a no- considerate relationship with no compromise.

A healthy, good compromise is when change helps you to become more of your authentic best self for both yourself and your partner. Healthy compromises benefit both parties, enhancing each other’s bonding bringing the relationship closer. Little compromises are natural and unavoidable, but be careful not to give up too much of what is important to you for the sake of a relationship that should help to affirm who you already are.