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Fix your body language

“What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say”–Ralph Waldo Emerson

The difference between what we do, say and how we say is important for communicating with others. Gestures have a bigger impact because 60 percent to 90 percent of our communication is nonverbal.Peter Guber says, “Language is a more recent technology. Your body language, your eyes and your energy will come through your audience before you even start speaking”.You simply need to be aware of the messages your body is sending, and then practice until you have created better body language habits.The good news is that bad body language can be fixed.

Most of the people by their reflex action (body language) scream that they are lying. Body language sends the wrong signals. For instance, a perfectly confident individual who slouches appears to be unsure or even weak.Keep in mind that this body pattern that will effect interactions on a subconscious level so realize the unconscious effect you are having. Here are some of the tips for developing awareness about your body language.

Maintaining a good eye contact:

1 Eye

When you avoid eye contact, you are communicating the message that you lack confidence in yourself, are uncomfortable or afraid, or want to escape or are deceitful. You give the impression that you shouldn’t be trusted. If you are lying but looking someone in the eyes when you speak, there is better chance of them believing you. Simply by making eye contact with the people you are communicating with.

Straighten up your body posture:

Business Interview.

Most people are aware that a confident person stands erect stance, chest forward, and head up straight. Slouching makes you appear weak, shy, or scared of confrontation. So even if you are scared or non-confident, throw your shoulders back and stand up straight.

Firm handshake:

handshakes are the most common physical contact and that says a lot about you. If your handshake is weak or flaccid, you are sending the message that you are, too. Be firm in your handshake, but avoid a too tight grip which causes pain.

Avoid fiddling:

Biting Nails

Checking time, inspecting fingernails, picking up lint from clothes, playing with the pen, keeping cell phones out are some of the common gesture that speaks about your boredom and disinterest. Try not to look disinterested which shows that you would like to elsewhere.Direct your full focus on the other person.

Do not fold arms or legs:


Folding hands is considered to be defensive worldwide. This is an indication that you are in a defensive frame of mind–either you are afraid of the other person or closed to what that individual has to say. Always show your hands and never keep them at the back otherwise, it looks like you are hiding something.When your arms or legs are tightly crossed, this indicates to others that you are defensive.

Don’t rub your eyebrows:

Eyes Rubbing

People do this when they’re nervous, or tense. You by your physical gesture or body language are letting the other person know what you’re feeling. Make an effort not to show your internal feelings don’t massage your forehead.

Relax your body and till your mind. Wait for the subconscious rapport to occur, because by your body language you make the person you are talking to comfortable and at ease to open up and connect.  This will make your interactions better.