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Himansh Kohli On World Environment Day

Talking on the occasion of World Environment Day, actor Himansh Kohli urges the citizens to not be a cause of damage. He hopes that people preserve this breath of fresh air. 

“There have been a lot of agendas and projects in the past to clean the rivers, the land, the air, etc. But, a disease taught us that only we can help ourselves by abstaining from over-usage for a week every quarter. I’m sure this will also boost productivity among employees/workers and improve mood overall. I really hope and urge everyone to preserve this breath of fresh air, and not exploit the resources. Let’s not lead to another disastrous situation by damaging the planet. Don’t be a cause of damage!” the “Yaariyan” star said. 

We are still not sure if the lockdown imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic helped the human beings in any way or not, but it surely helped the earth heal herself. Within a short span of time the air quality improved, Flamingos flocked in Mumbai, Peacocks were dancing on the streets in Chandigarh and mountain peaks were seen from far off distances. 

But now that the lockdown is lifted, will we go back to our old selves? Our old non-environment-friendly-self or we will work towards preserving this new healed environment.