Actor Rishina Kandhari celebrated her birthday in the lap of nature on Wednesday. The actor, who currently seen in Paperback films’ (Ravindra Gautam and Pradeep Kumar’s) Meri Durga on...
Actor Jyotsna Chandola, who has worked with actor Shoaib Ibrahim in Sasural Simar Ka attended Shoaib’s birthday celebrations along with hubby Nitesh Singh. Shoaib rang in his birthday...
It was Badho Bahu, Komal aka Rytasha Rathore’s Birthday on 6th January. The whole unit of the show Badho Bahu celebrated her Birthday in her way...
The biggest Bhai of Bollywood, Salman Khan has turned 51 today. He celebrated his 51st birthday with his near and dear ones yesterday night at his...
It was Salman Khan’s Birthday on 27th of December. Salman being everyone’s favorite Star got many wishes on this day. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram was overloaded...
Shashank Vyas, who became a topic to talk in every ladies kitty party by his work in Balika Vadhu, is celebrating his birthday today on 30th...
Today on 2nd November the king of romance, Shah Rukh Khan is celebrating his 51st birthday. On one side where his home and office is full...