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Nutritional giants for your diet

In the world of wellness, super seeds are nutritional powerhouses. Packed with essential nutrients and multiple health benefits, super seeds are nature’s precious gifts to mankind. Two of these miraculous super seeds, namely Chia seeds and Flax seeds have gained celebrity status. They promise dietary edge to keep your physique healthy. These super seeds may be pint-sized but provides super-sized benefits.



Chia is an imported edible seed that comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, which grows in Mexico. Chia use dates back to Mayan and Aztec cultures.The word “Chia” is synonymous with “strength”,  because it is one of the best energy booster and richest food source because it provides high nutritional value with a very low-calorie intake. While Flax seeds provide ample of fiber which is very important.

Vegetarians miss out on Omega-3 fatty acids since they don’t eat flesh or seafood. The solution to their dietary dilemma is Chia seeds and Flaxseeds, which can balance nutrient required to their diet. You can add Chia seeds to smoothies, yogurt, cereal, salads, or muffin batter. Flax seed shells are hard, so grind them in a blender or coffee grinder first. Otherwise, the seeds can pass through your body undigested, prohibiting the absorption of the seeds’ valuable omega-3 content.

Flax-Seed Copy

Flax seed shells are hard, so grind them in a blender or coffee grinder first. Otherwise, the seeds can pass through your body undigested, prohibiting the absorption of the seeds’ valuable omega-3 content.

Being rich in so many key nutrients, these super seeds can improve your health in numerous ways. Some of the top benefits of dark Chia Seeds and Flax Seeds are:

 Anti-Aging Catalyst

Chia seeds are one of the nature’s richest antioxidants. Antioxidants speed up the skin’s repair systems and prevent further damage. It is medically proven that dark Chia seeds burn the harmful aging radicals in the body and can prevent premature skin aging hence, keeping keep you younger.

Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease

Chia Seeds and Flax seeds help in lowering down the level of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (bad cholesterol) in the body and increase the level of HDL (good cholesterol). Hence, help in minimizing the risk of heart diseases.

Cure Diabetes (Type 2)

Chia seeds are very helpful when it comes to diabetes. It has the ability to help the body regulate carbohydrates and the sugars they turn into. When ingested, the Chia seeds, in whatever form they were eaten, form a type of barrier inside the stomach. This barrier helps to slow the ingestion of sugar into the bloodstream. This is especially helpful for diabetic patients who are unable to process sugars properly.

 Weight Control

By adding a serving of Chia seeds and Flax seeds you can help boost your metabolism and burn belly fat as well. Studies have shown that the addition of these seeds to your diet reduces visceral adipose tissue, a “belly fat” tissue that affects the metabolism of the body and is a component of obesity.

Stronger Bones

Just one ounce of Chia seeds has 18% of the recommended daily amount of calcium. Calcium is fundamental in bone health and helps maintain bone strength and mass.

Digestive Health

Being high in dietary fiber, Chia and flax help promote bowel regularity and healthy stool. The rich fiber content in both the seeds helps people feel fuller quicker because it absorbs a considerable amount of water and immediately expands in the stomach when eaten.

Dental Health

Chia seeds are packed with calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and zinc. It’s no wonder that they are a top food for your teeth and a healthy mouth.

Fight Breast and Cervical Cancer

Chia seeds are rich in alpha lineic acid (or ALA) which is an Omega-3 fatty acid. Researchers have found that it caused cell death of the cancer cells without harming the normal healthy cells.

Prevents Hypertension

Flax seeds help in controlling the blood pressure hence lowering hypertension, stress levels of the individual. Adding flaxseed to your diet can save you from hypertension.

Prostate Cancer

Flax seeds help in killing the cancer cells causing prostate cancer in males.  A study shows that intake of Flax seeds in pre-surgery prostate cancer patients reduces the number of cancer cells.

Add the super seeds to your diet on a regular basis for its fiber content, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory quality.

Experts recommend that one must try Gorgeous Super Seeds Combo a unique dietary supplement from the house of Gorgeous Looks that offers a blend of two of these super seeds i.e. dark Chia seeds and the Flax seed. These blended super seeds can be added to smoothies, shakes, yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, casseroles, and when baking. Note: Keep ground flax seeds in an airtight container in your refrigerator.

Revitalize with Chia and Flax seeds for digestive wellness, healthy immune function, improved energy, blood sugar management, balanced hormones, mood support, and healthy weight. A newer and fitter you.