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Bursting common acne myths

Do you think acne is a trivial skin issue? I disagree, severe acne affects more than your skin — – it damages the personality as a whole. Confidence and personality hit rock bottom.
We go into our own shell, hampered by our poor body image, withdraw from relationships, resulting in depression, anger and frustration. What-Causes-Acne-And-Pimples-In-Teenagers-PicOur day-to- day lives is spent in preoccupation with the physical appearance experimenting with cosmetics to hide acne.

Acne can have a significant impact, particularly during the teenage period, when one is especially self-conscious about their looks. The result can be a social phobia when popularity is dependent on looks and dressing style rather than moral values. In a nut-shell acne can lead to the following:-

 Reluctance to establish relationships and develop social skills,

 Fear of being mocked by others,

 Disabling shyness,

 Social phobia,

 Missed school or work,

 Difficulty succeeding in careers due to lack of confidence,

 Poor body image and self-esteem.

Dr. Nivedita Dadu, dermatologist from Skinology Skin and Hair Clinic, New Delhi states that consequences of acne shouldn’t be taken lightly, so she was kind enough to dispel some common myths and better handling of acne with Buzzsouk:

Myth 1. Wash face every few hoursImages
Some patients believe this and end up washing their face numerous times a day, sometimes scrubbing vigorously and using harsh astringents. But ultimately, this can lead to irritated, traumatized skin that looks worse after treatment.

Fact: Instead, wash your face only once or twice a day with lukewarm water, a mild cleanser, and in gentle motion. There is no need to scrub or use harsh abrasive products. Make sure to wash your face in the evening, to remove makeup and dirt.

Myth 2. Squeezing the pimple will make it disappearRsz_Mascarilla_Para_Acné
This is very wrong belief that patients have. Some patients will squeeze acne in an attempt to try to open up a clogged pore. However, this usually leads to further inflammation, which makes the acne look worse and last longer. Also, this will also result in a bad pigment scar.

Fact: Instead I request you not to squeeze it. Use Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic acid face wash with a balanced ph for acne patients. This will also shrink the acne eruption gradually.

Myth 3. Junk food causes acne

Many people with acne have oily skin, so it was thought that greasy foods should also be avoided. Foods-That-Cause-Acne-–-Which-Foods-Cause-Prevent-Cure-Help-And-Reduce-Acne-Breakout-On-Adults-And-TeenagersHowever, a number of studies have shown that eating french fries, cheeseburgers and chocolate doesn’t have any impact on your skin. But getting grease on your skin can make an oily skin worse by clogging pores and leading to an acne breakout. Greasy foods may be let-off the hook, but there are other diets responsible for acne breakouts. It has been observed, that milk consumption increases acne. Other studies have shown that a low glycemic index diet which is high in fiber, fruits and vegetables is beneficial for your skin and acne.

Fact: So, if someone is suffering from acne, avoid milk or stick to a low glycemic index diet may be beneficial for your skin.

Treatments available for acne:
Mild cases of acne can be treated with over the counter medications while more severe cases require the expertise of a dermatologist who can recommend prescription drugs. “These depend on type and severity of the acne.”

Acne treatment involves combinations of medication:
Some dermatologist removes the dead skin and oils that clog pores, while others target the formation of cysts typical of severe acne. Still, others treat by attacking overgrowths of Propionibacterium acnes, a type of bacteria that occurs naturally on your skin but can cause acne when its growth is uncontrolled. I use antibiotics, retinoids, chemical peels, lasers, hormone therapy and home care regime to treat my acne patients. We overcome the bacterial resistance by using combination treatments and our patients have got remarkable results.

You can improve your self-esteem through treatment — don’t wait. “A good dermatologist is willing to address the emotional issues that go along with acne.”